

Viewpoint Stezka nad Vinohrady

A unique lookout tower Stezka nad vinohrady was built near the wine-growing village of Kobylí . It stands in the east on the Kobylí vrch hill, its authors found inspiration in the so-called treetop trails in Šumava or in the Krkonoše mountains. It is built at an altitude of 334 meters above sea level and offers a wonderful view in all directions. The lookout has the shape of a circular ramp and, thanks to the inclined plane that replaces the stairs, it is one of the few lookout points in the country that is barrier-free.

Almond lookout tower

The Mandloňová lookout tower east of Hustopečí, on the edge of the almond orchard, rises to a height of 17 m, to which the tourist-educational Mandloňá trail with an audio guide will take you from the town.

In: https://www.kudyznudy.cz/aktivity/mandlonova-rozhledna-v-hustopecich

Lookout tower Lighthouse

The Maják lookout can be found between the wine-growing villages of Zaječí, Přítluky and Rakvice, on Přítlucká hora, at an altitude of 292 meters above sea level. If you climb 108 steps, you will have a wonderful view of Pálava with the highest peak of Děvín, the Novomlýn reservoir, the Lednice-Valtice area, the White Carpathians, and to neighboring Austria. The observation tower is 28 m high, has a wooden structure and a spiral metal staircase.

In: https://www.kudyznudy.cz/aktivity/rozhledna-majak-na-pritlucke-hore

Hradištěk St. Cyril and Methodius

Chapel of St. Cyril and Methodius are enthroned in a beautiful place. In addition to the view to all corners of the world, you can appreciate the chapel itself, especially the decorative carvings by Jan Chovan and the ceiling paintings representing the four seasons in the work of a winemaker by Bohumil Bortlík.

Martin Lengál. Hradištěk. In: mapy.cz

Sunny Lookout Tower

The Slunečná lookout tower stands about a kilometer from one of the most famous wine-growing villages in South Moravia, Velké Pavlovice, at an altitude of 225 m. The unusual architecture creates an optical illusion, when the lookout tower seems to be tilted. Velké Bílovice, Hodonín or Bořetice can be seen from a height of less than 19 m. 

In: https://www.kudyznudy.cz/aktivity/slunecna-u-velkych-pavlovic

Dalibor lookout tower

The Dalibor observation tower stands near the chapel above the U Kapličky Winery, west of the village of Zaječí. The brick observation tower is 11 m high and offers an impressive view of Pálava and the surroundings of the Novomlýn reservoirs. You may also know her from the movie Berries.

In: https://mapy.cz/zakladni?source=base&id=1911283&gallery=1&x=16.7497218&y=48.8701965&z=17

Acacia lookout tower

The acacia lookout tower rises to a height of 18 m on Výhon hill, you can reach it via the educational trail from Židlochovice. It is built, as the name already says, from acacia wood. 

David Motlíček. Rozhledna Akátová věž. In: mapy.cz

Vyšicko lookout tower

From the Vyšicko lookout you can enjoy the view of the Chřibů ridges or the Babí lom. An asphalt road leads up to the observation tower, along which beautiful vineyards flow. It will also impress you with its unconventional triangular floor plan.

Ivo Melounek. Rozhledna Vyšicko. In: mapy.cz

Radošov lookout tower

In Slovácko, more precisely near Veselí nad Moravou, there is a 15 m high Radošov lookout tower, which has a special shape, namely the shape of a wine cup, so it fits perfectly among the vineyards and inspires the next program.

Watchtower U Křížku

In the vineyards, there are lookouts not only on Velkopavlovicka, for example in Mikulovsk near the wine village of Drnholec, in the U Křížku vineyard route, there is an 11 m high U Křížku lookout.

Nedánov lookout tower

The 26 m high Nedánov observation tower stands on top of the hill of the same name. A green tourist sign will take you to it from the village of Boleradice.

Kraví Hora observation tower

Kraví Hora observation tower has four floors, 65 steps lead you to the observation deck at a height of 12 meters.